Emotional Intelligence is everything.
90% of top performers in the workplace score high in emotional intelligence while only 20% of low performers do.
In case you want to enjoy life whilst you are the top performer, in a 2007 meta analysis, Emotional intelligence is better associated with improved psychological well-being and reduced stress. 😊
If you are after a new role, 71% of hiring managers prioritise Emotional Intelligence (EI) when looking at new candidates.
The great news is that it is a learnable skill.
List this out for yourself. Ask yourself what sort of behaviours contribute to success in life. I get groups in workshops to do this same exercise. We leave that list for a bit and I go through the elements of emotional intelligence: 1) self awareness, 2) self management, 3) motivation, 4) social awareness/empathy and 5) social management.
Then they return to the list of behaviours that make a successful life, manager or team member. Beside each behaviour they write the initial aspect of EI it corresponds to.
I love watching the look on their face when they realise that EVERYTHING takes emotional intelligence. Then they sit up straighter and listen.
This is what it looks life in real life.
Let’s call her Lisa. She wasn’t getting on with another leader in her team, was very emotional about it, was losing interest at work, took the other person’s behaviours personally and would yo-yo from being overly helpful to short and snappy. If we name what was happening in emotional intelligence language, she was having issues with self-management, motivation, social awareness and social management. Four of the five elements of emotional intelligence. I will also add self-awareness, as she wasn’t sure why this girl was getting under her skin.
Daniel Goleman was the first one who made EI sexy, and the thing to have in his groundbreaking book in the 90s called “emotional intelligence: why it can matter more than IQ’.
Let’s get clear that EI, unlike IQ is a skill that is either used or not. Meaning that people can learn the skill and also have it but not use or express it. Which is great news for managers and individuals that want to communicate and perform better.
Here is a quick summary of his case:
- IQ is a threshold competence. IQ is important but just as a baseline. It may give people a leg up for a job or getting into university, but it doesn’t guarantee success or great performance. EI distinguishes high performers not IQ.
- The role of emotions in decision-making. EI helps people manage their emotions and respond effectively to the emotions of others. An awesome and essential human trait. Decisions are often influenced by emotions, relationships and social dynamics making EI critical for quality decisions. In turn, good decisions can mean better outcomes overall.
- Social and interpersonal skills. Goleman showed us that success in careers and personal relationships depends on the ability to collaborate, communicate, and manage relationships. EI encompasses skills like empathy, social awareness, and good communication.
- Leadership and teamwork. Leadership is just influencing others, managing conflict, and creating a space that people want to work in. Leaders need to build trust and collaboration, which is only possible with good self-reflection, which comes as part of EI.
- Adaptability and stress management. Life is a crazy mess of change and adaption, so navigating life with finesse and resilience is a skill that comes with EI.
- Holistic success and well-being. Goleman emphasised that life satisfaction and fulfilment are closely related to EI. Success isn’t about being the smartest in the room; it involves having meaningful work and relationships and the health to do so—all closely tied to EI.
Goleman’s book created a tidal wave of interest that continues today. New theories and methods of testing EI are being developed, and many instruments are available to measure it for leaders and teams. EI development work for people is at the heart of all great personal and professional development programs.
That is why I developed the Transformational Leadership and Culture Identity cards. They help Self awareness by firstly getting people crystal clear on their behaviour. Once they learn the framework they see it and as I name the parts in fun animals names, they don’t get defensive. They take themselves and others lightly. The framework also highlights others behaviours as well so they then sit in empathy and are more socially aware. This is key as they will have less blame and judgement next time they see it.
The next question they ask is OK, I now know what it is, what can I do about it?
I have them covered on the back of the cards and in the guide book there are coaching questions as well as transformative steps they can take to be more deliberate. As well as identities that they can be as well. Each card or identity has a counter type- its like the antidote for that behaviour. It is another animal, that pertains to that behaviour, making it easy to remember.
There is some identities that deal with low motivation and some of the identities help with communicating with others. So the identity cards are a system that help with all the elements.
They were designed to help people each day, be who they want to be. To improve their emotional intelligence so their behaviour can be more consistent and in line with who they want to be.
If you want to get your hands on this system that helps you and your team, lets get on a call.
Useful Links
Buy my Transformational Leadership book
Do a Leadership Team Framework Diagnostic
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