Could this be a mistake?

Give them what they need.

I bet that you are a giver. And givers give all they have to those around them.

They give their wisdom, knowledge, time, attention and care.

A shift intention can change everything. Try to communicate with your team’s brain in mind, not just talking reflexively.

You may diminish their critical thinking, accountability muscle, and engagement if you tell rather than teach.

I’m like that, too, and I’ve realised that my newsletters overinform and are too long.

Recognising your busy schedule, I’ve designed a new, easier-to-digest format that respects your time and delivers the insights you need.

I hope it isn’t a mistake.

This new format is an experiment, and I’m eagerly awaiting your thoughts and suggestions. Your feedback is invaluable to me 😊

❤️ How can you communicate in a way that helps them best, rather than what is reflexive for you?

A better outcome using the power of words

Words do matter.

Try this out for yourself and feel the difference.

“Let’s change how we do this thing (insert your version).”

“Let’s transform the way we do this thing.”

“Let’s shift the way we do this thing.”

I don’t know what you think, but a shift seems easier in my mind to achieve than the other two!

I’d love to hear how you go with this shift.


Three of the most significant issues I hear from leaders who want to develop their teams are:

  1. A varied skill mix- a mix of emerging leaders and experienced leaders
  2. Performance mix- Some leaders perform well, and others are the subject of a complaint or two.
  3. There is an alignment mix—some are working well with you to bring needed shifts (see how useful the word is already!), while some others seem to work against you.

Knowing how to train and develop your team can be difficult when you come up against this issue.

The answer is not a university master’s in some leadership.

Use leadership training that majors in emotional intelligence.

People come to work and want to do their best.

They may know the leadership styles, but they are triggered when they talk to certain individuals or encounter stress. See the leadership iceberg image below.

Emotional intelligence includes knowing how to deal with these internal and external dynamics, such as personal biases and team dynamics, the impact of their communication on others, and how to make it more effective.

Leaders must first lead themselves before they lead others.

To lead and influence others effectively, one must understand and manage one’s emotions, motivations, and behaviours.

It is the everyday conversations that make a leader worth following.



P.S. I have made the Leadership Team Framework into a diagnostic and you are the first ones to try it!

Click here to take the diagnostic:

You will get a readout like this

and you will be clear straight away what your strengths and gaps in your team. Those that attended on Thursday loved it and are clear on next steps. 

I’d love to hear how it helps you.

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