Debriefing and group coaching
Critical incident
Support from management after a critical incident can come in many ways, one important one is giving the workforce the opportunity to have critical incident debriefing.
C4 solution:
Michelle is a member of the trauma response network and has many years of experience traveling onsite, both remote and local to provide group and individual support after a critical incident. This is called psychological first aid and can help normalise the individuals experience and will turn off their stress response alittle so they can tap into their innate resilience.
Managers can also get supported and coached on how to manage the situation to best support their team.
Sometimes follow up after the incident is necessary weeks after to check in that the acute stress response has subsided. This can be done 1:1 or in a group.

Vicarious trauma
For health workers, counsellors or anyone who is around trauma and those who are experiencing acute stress and critical moments, they are at risk of vicarious trauma. These people can also be at risk of burnout.
C4 solution:
Training and coaching to prevent or treat this is all about increasing awareness, normalising their experience and empowering the person to take the steps to reduce the stress response that is chronically turned on.
Connected remote health workforce coaching space
We know that working out bush/remotely feels adventurous and could be a dream come true for health worker especially if you value adventure, learning and growth. This reality sits alongside the reality of the challenges that arise from living remotely and within another culture. Getting support from those at home is difficult as they just don’t understand. This is why staying connected with health workers like you who understand your challenges is so important. Connection, confidential sharing, support and expert facilitation and training that is solution focused.
C4 solution:
At consultancy we have a number of health clinicans who have experience living and traveling remotely as well as facilitating supervision and training.
On request, group or individual programs and coaching for Remote workers to offer support and coaching.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Issues with working cross culturally
- Preventing burnout and self-care in a remote setting
- Dealing with challenging behaviours
- Time management and prioritising
Managers can also get supported and coached on how to manage the situation to best support their team.
Sometimes follow up after the incident is necessary weeks after to check in that the acute stress response has subsided. This can be done 1:1 or in a group.