Who is really in charge?

Have you ever felt torn between different parts of yourself—like one part is pushing you to succeed while another part makes you doubt everything?

That’s because we are all a sum of our parts, and each part has its own voice, purpose, and intent. Even their own value system!

Get to know these principles below and live by them and your emotionally intelligence will rise and that means better everything.

• More money,
• better promotions,
• better communication
• relationships
• wellbeing.

There is not one part of your life that emotional intelligence doesn’t touch.

A framework is the lens in which you see the world. The way people view themselves and others is flawed and leads to poor self-esteem, cliques and poor leadership and communication.

I’ve developed a set of principles to help you see yourself in a way that can empowers you to lead yourself (and your team) more effectively:

✨ We all have many hidden saboteurs that feel like us. These saboteurs aren’t your whole self—they’re just parts that form your protective personality. Kahnerman, the noble memorial prize winner noted we are not as rational as we think and around 95% of our thoughts and behaviour come from automatic thinking.

✨ It’s just a part of us. These voices are not the complete you—they’re simply one aspect of your identity. So stop labelling yourself as a loser, a perfectionist, etc. It is just a part of you.

✨ All parts have positive intent. Even the parts that make us doubt or feel insecure are often trying to protect us in some way. When we understand this, we can work with them instead of against them. The path to success is paved with inclusion of parts or yourself not exclusion and suppression.

✨ Parts are made up of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors.

✨ All parts are helpful at different times. The challenge is to recognise when a part is helpful and when it’s holding you back.

✨ Focus on difference, not better or worse. We often compare ourselves to others or to a version of ourselves, but the truth is that every part of us has value. We get caught in a yoyo of feeling inferior and superior which is the heart of imposter syndrome.

✨ You are the thinker of thoughts; you are not the thought. You have the power to observe your thoughts without becoming them. They are not you.

✨ You are the space between the parts that chooses. At the core, you are the one who can choose how to engage with your parts, shifting focus from one to another to live with more balance and intention.

By understanding these principles, you can begin to see yourself differently and lead your life with more self-compassion and clarity.

Which principle do you think is most needed?

Do you see yourself like this already?



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Who is really in charge?

Have you ever felt torn between different parts of yourself—like one part is pushing you to succeed while another part makes you doubt everything? That’s