Transforming Team Dynamics: Dysfunction to Synergy 🌟

Staying together is not enough Henry Ford.

Rusted in is a way of describing the phenomena when individuals who won’t leave a workplace even though they give little value.

What is missing in these individuals?

They lack emotional intelligence and insight. Some lack flexibility and have no concern about how their actions affect others.

But most of them (us) don’t realise fully how our interactions affect others. How communications form bonding patterns that trigger others unconsciously.

A director of a government department calls these people corrosive as they affect the integrity of the projects they are on. He admitted that each corrosive person affect 5-10 people around them and when project can run into millions of costs each month, it affects the bottom line.

I just wrapped up an incredible session with a team where we dived deep into understanding behaviours – good and not-so-good. 🤔

Have you ever wondered how small actions can affect team vibes? We explored this through an Individual and then ‘Group Mapping Session’, focusing on finding behaviours that hold us back and those that propel us forward. The goal? To build a workspace where everyone feels safe, heard, and valued.

Key Takeaways:

1. Self-awareness is Key: Recognising our patterns is the first step towards change.

2. Empathy Matters: Understanding each other’s perspectives can transform relationships.

3. Growth is a Team Sport: We’re shifting from dysfunctional to dynamic together! 🚀

Creating a safe space for honest discussions wasn’t easy, but it was worth every effort.

One participant said he wasn’t keen to start the session. He usually cringes at anything about emotions or interactions, but he said he was drawn in within minutes. He couldn’t stop raving about it and he didn’t realise how his communication affected others. He was totally willing to take responsibility of it.

It’s not just about being better colleagues; it’s about being better humans.

Curious about how this works?

How has self-awareness in your team increased team communication?

Drop a comment or DM me.



P.S. Click here to see why I use animals in my cards.

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Do a Leadership Team Framework Diagnostic

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